Collaborating and Planning for Class Visits

Here is the process for reserving library instruction:



1) Contact the Librarian at with a preferred date range for your class visit.

(We do not schedule visits more than 2 days per week total. Each teacher may reserve 1 class visit per month per prep in their program.)

1) As soon as you decide you would like to have your class visit the Library

2) Meet with assigned Librarian and go over:

  • class assignment
  • Specific research tools & strategies to be prioritized and covered during the Library visit
  • How many visits for project? (Maximum of 2.)
  • Additional Library resources, supports and supplemental, instructional materials you can share with your students in your class instruction or online classroom.

2) At least 5 school days prior to visit

3) Meet to review plan & make adjustments

3) 1-2 days prior to visit